. . . and a Malcolm Guite Sonnet today

An Advent antiphon (one of seven), O Radix, by Malcolm Guite calls on Christ as the root. The poem is referring to the image of the tree of Jesse the family tree which leads to David, and ultimately to Christ as the ‘son of David', but the title radix, goes deeper, as a good root should. It goes deep down into the ground of our being, the good soil of creation. God in Christ, is the root of all goodness, wherever it is found and in whatsoever culture, or with whatever names it fruits and flowers, a sound tree cannot bear bad fruit said Christ, who also said, I am the vine, you are the branches.

O Radix - Malcolm Guite

All of us sprung from one deep-hidden seed,

Rose from a root invisible to all.

We knew the virtues once of every weed,

But, severed from the roots of ritual,

We surf the surface of a wide-screen world

And find no virtue in the virtual.

We shrivel on the edges of a wood

Whose heart we once inhabited in love,

Now we have need of you, forgotten Root

The stock and stem of every living thing

Whom once we worshiped in the sacred grove,

For now is winter, now is withering

Unless we let you root us deep within,

Under the ground of being, graft us in.

Watch The Goodness Project Video — Stories of Our City: Judith Yan

Judith explains how she fell in love with Guelph over the course of her 8 years conducting the Guelph Symphony Orchestra. She also shares a moving experience she had while conducting at the Basilica.