Choice in Church

“Because (North) Americans always attend the church of their choice, church inherently lacks the ability to resist accommodation to economic and political powers.”

Stanley Hauerwas

You may be wondering - what is the alternative? Perhaps it is the church closest to you, or it is the church that you were raised in, or the one that your spouse was attending when you got together, none of which are likely your ideal church. The point is that there will always be something you don’t care for, or someone you don’t like, yet, somehow people think that if they can just find the place that fulfills their needs, wants, and desires, then they will have found the right church. That place does not exist. A church full of consumers, will be a church that looks just like the culture, but with Jesus sprinkled in. Unless you are being completely ignored or abused, faithfully worship Jesus somewhere where you don’t have to control or manage anything according to your preferences, and it just might might start to look like discipleship. GS